Sunday, September 21, 2008

Therapy with Shaving Cream

Sensory issues are very common in children with autism. There are a total of 7 foods Mason eats. The whole thing is so complex and has to be addressed in small steps. The first thing for Mason is touching things with his hands. Mason doesn't like the feel of anything dirty on his hands. We started with a bucket of dry pinto beans and moved up from there; rice, oatmeal, spaghetti, etc. Shaving cream was not doable for him and took us months of trying. After different types of therapies addressing the sensory issues, Mason decided shaving cream could be fun! Tyson and I started playing in it first and Mason realized the fun of painting with shaving cream! By the end, we were all covered in it, from head to toe and loving every second of it! Way to go Mason!!!

1 comment:

melissa said...

At the Montessori school that Ethen goes to, they use shaving cream in their outside classroom. When I ask Ethen about it he tells me "nothing". Now I know why they use it. Thank you.